The Sims 3 Generations: Get into the new expansion

The new expansion for The Sims 3 will be available in a couple of weeks. Generations (or What a family! As has been translated in Spain) focuses on the lives of younger Sims in the neighborhood, to relive the adventures of our longed-for childhood. The Sims 3 Generations: Get into the new expansion

The Sims 3 Generations: Get into the new expansion. The year 2000 brought not only the doors of the new millennium or the failure of apocalyptic theories of a general computer failure. This year for the video game industry was the beginning of one of the most successful franchises of all time. In late January 2000, a PC game coming out soon achieved remarkable success and not stop growing during the following years. Your name: The Sims, through which we could control the lives of the residents of a suburb of SimCity.

And life continued and grew, and two years later, the saga and had managed to sell over 6 million copies, making it the best selling PC game so far. In 2009, the EA franchise grew back the hands of The Sims 3, which in just two months exceeded 3 million copies sold only in PC, as the major console version did not come until last year.

During the year of 2010 began to appear up to three different expansions. Now, you must be prepared for the Fourth: The Sims Generations, translated into Castilian as What a family! Whose details have been published by EA itself.

Through the new expansion we can focus on the life a child Sims with his imagination and fantasy world of up to an experience that EA has described itself as "more than meets the eye" slogan made famous the original Transformers.

With this new twist on the Sims family, the company can provide the player with extraordinary developments but, typical of most children's ages, like the imaginary friend to take a leading role in this expansion. And the potential to accommodate an imaginary friend seems to be fully exploited. If we were born since we played with it long enough, this friend will be "real" once we have grown, and we interact with it in the same way we do with the other sims "flesh and bone", and will everything we ask. But do not forget that remains imaginary, so the rest of the neighbors may think that we've gone mad.

Although there is reason for hope, because if you just being clever with the chemistry and magic potions, it is possible to bring your friend in real life and make them part of your day to day.

Like all children (American) you can enjoy your typical tree house, with a choice of three new types: Boys Club, Science Fiction's Hideaway and The Princess and the Castle of Pepel, which carry out your own adventures .

Another favorite activity of children is to dress up, and it will fit in the new expansion pack to make each one of the disguises, an excuse for a new adventure. So, if you dress as an astronaut, you can recreate in the imagination a trip to the moon, or whether you choose the guise of a Tyrannosaurus can walk the neighborhood as if you were the most fearsome of the dinosaurs.

Generations (let's call it) will also include new facilities for both adults and children, as new carts in carrying children or for younger Sims cubes to make shapes with the sand, new games like hopscotch or different types of swings that you can return to your childhood.

The memory system is also enhanced with the introduction of a Book of Remembrance, with which to recall times past, especially significant, caught in a snapshot placed in the book, although you can make yourself a picture of some point you think is necessary to remember. And all with the possibility to share it with others via Facebook.

The Sims 3 Generations will be on sale on June 3 for PC and MAC, and that is when we go back to being a child.

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