BlackBerry Colt, the first with QNX operating system arrives early 2012

BlackBerry Colt, the first with QNX operating system arrives early 2012 - Despite the problems it is facing RIM in recent months, it seems that rays of hope are emerging in the future. RIM has been working long enough on the QNX operating system and according to a report from the web BGR, the BlackBerry Colt, his first team QNX, could come in the first quarter of 2012.

surprised last week with the official launch of five new smartphones, including two new Bold (9900 and 9930) and three Torch, and all with the BlackBerry OS 7. Now it seems that RIM finally takes a step forward compared to the QNX operating system and we could see the first smartphone running with him during the first quarter of 2012. His code name is Colt BlackBerry.

In the world of technology, this news is very important because it would set a new operating system and therefore a new competitor, and because it could be the turning point to give BlackBerry a bombshell on the market. However, this information must be taken with great care because the playbook would also be the lifeline of RIM, however, was released rapidly, and without some features like native BlackBerry e-mail itself. The reason for this to happen is that apparently the company had to rewrite the code for your BlackBerry Enterprise Server to work with QNX, a task not without difficulties. Still, market pressures and investors could more than the fact that the playbook was ready to 100%.

Can you repeat the situation with the first device with QNX system? Maybe. In fact, RIM had initially suggested that this would come with an Intel dual-core processor. And yet, BGR and its source "secret", say the first computer processor with QNX, the BlackBerry Colt will not be dual core. Obviously, for the first quarter of 2012 is still time and hope that RIM makes the effort to get to dual core.

The same source in which the BGR site has based its data also suggest that RIM is working on a BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) for QNX and the Colt BB is not compatible with the versions we know so far of BES. Thus, companies that choose to use Microsoft Exchange in the Colt will have to use ActiveSync.

Anyway, since the QNX system's arrival has been delayed in time, premium quality and will have to be better than expected, but late. Submit a product on time in the technology market is important, but it is even more ready and prepared for release, especially since the QNX can mark the beginning of the comeback of RIM.

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